I told y'all it was gonna be leaking soon. Once those snippets got loose it was only a matter of time. Late last night tracks off American Gangster started surfacing one by one until almost all were leaked. I don't know where this came from, but IT'S NOT THE OFFICIAL RELEASE! (It's not tagged properly, the quality isn't top notch, some tracks cut off at the end, and it's missing 2 tracks that'll be on the final version.) Like the Kanye & Curtis albums last month, you'll have to make due with what we got until I can bring you the official joint. I haven't even listened yet myself, so I'll hit y'all with some comments when I give it a spin and let it marinate...

01 - Intro
02 - Pray
03 - American Dream
04 - Hello Brooklyn (feat. Lil Wayne)
05 - No Hook
06 - Roc Boys
07 - Sweet
08 - I Know (feat. Pharrell)
09 - Say Hello
10 - Success (feat. Nas)
11 - Fallin'
12 - Blue Magic (Bonus Track)
13 - American Gangser (Bonus Track)



For anyone keeping tabs, the two tracks that are missing are: "Party Life" & "Ignorant Shit" featuring Beans. Let me stress again...don't complain about the quality or if some tracks cut off....Beggers can't be choosers. More likely than not some retard got their hands on an advance copy of the CD and ripped it poorly and had no idea what the fuck they were doing. So stick tight til I get my hands on a legit copy.

Please leave a comment if the links gets taken down..


Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOMG! that track SUCCESS is RETARRRRRRRRRRRRRED...WOW!lol. the reset of the albums is nice too but that track, that track, that track is DEATH!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I Know This Is Totally Off Topic, But I Was Wondering Do You Have That Miri Ben Ari Album? The Hip Hop Violinist? Can You Post If you Do, That Album Is Pure GENIOUS!

JV said...

no problem...i found a link & i posted the album on the main page