"A Los Angeles Times story about a brutal 1994 attack on rap superstar Tupac Shakur was partially based on documents that appear to have been fabricated, the reporter and editor responsible for the story said Wednesday.Unbelievable! To read the rest of the apology + learn more about how this Phillips cat pulled a real life Scott Templeton from The Wire type of stunt click here. Regardless of the legitimacy of the documents, informants or whatever though...it's a well known fact that Henchman most definitely played a major role in the stick-up and shooting and has been heard many times saying Pac "had it coming" and "had to be disciplined" for his disrespect of NY.
Reporter Chuck Philips and his supervisor, Deputy Managing Editor Marc Duvoisin, issued statements of apology Wednesday afternoon. The statements came after The Times took withering criticism for the Shakur article, which appeared on latimes.com last week and two days later in the paper's Calendar section.
The criticism came first from The Smoking Gun website, which said the newspaper had been the victim of a hoax, and then from subjects of the story, who said they had been defamed. "In relying on documents that I now believe were fake, I failed to do my job," Philips said in a statement Wednesday. "I'm sorry."
In his statement, Duvoisin added: "We should not have let ourselves be fooled. That we were is as much my fault as Chuck's. I deeply regret that we let our readers down."
You can also check out the CNN news story on the whole situation...
(Source: LA Times)
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